Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/January, 1923

The Smart Set/January, 1923

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/February, 1923

Specimens of Current Fiction
The Smart Set/February, 1923

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/March, 1923

Conversations: IX. On the Darker Races
The Smart Set/March, 1923

Adventures Among Books
The Smart Set/March, 1923

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/April, 1923

Americanism: Exterior View
The Smart Set/April, 1923

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/May, 1923

John Strom, Thrice Doctor
The Smart Set/May, 1923

Nordic Blond Art
The Smart Set/May, 1923

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/June, 1923

Notices of Books
The Smart Set/June, 1923

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/July, 1923

Some New Books
The Smart Set/July, 1923

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/August, 1923

Biography and Other Fiction
The Smart Set/August, 1923

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/September, 1923

New York
The Smart Set/October, 1923

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/October, 1923

Holy Writ
The Smart Set/October, 1923

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/November, 1923

Notices of Books
The Smart Set/November, 1923

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/December, 1923

Fifteen Years
The Smart Set/December, 1923


Editorial: Mission Statement

The American Mercury/January, 1924

Clinical Notes

The American Mercury/January, 1924

The Library (Reviews)

The American Mercury/January, 1924

Editorial: Prohibition and the Federal Judge

The American Mercury/February, 1924

Clinical Notes

The American Mercury/February, 1924

The Library (Reviews)

The American Mercury/February, 1924

Editorial: The Farmer's Godly  Constitution

The American Mercury/March, 1924

Clinical Notes

The American Mercury/March, 1924


The American Mercury/April, 1924

Clinical Notes

The American Mercury/April, 1924

The Library (Reviews)

The American Mercury/April, 1924


The American Mercury/May, 1924

Clinical Notes

The American Mercury/May, 1924

The Library (Reviews)

The American Mercury/May, 1924


The American Mercury/June, 1924

Clinical Notes

The American Mercury/June, 1924

The Library (Reviews)

The American Mercury/June, 1924

Breathing Space

Baltimore Evening Sun/August 4, 1924

Labor in Politics

​Baltimore Evening Sun/August 11, 1924

The New Woodrow
Baltimore Evening Sun/August 18, 1924

Meditations on the Campaign

Baltimore Evening Sun/August 25, 1924

One Lustrum

Baltimore Evening Sun/September 1, 1924

Goose-Step Day

​Baltimore Evening Sun/September 8, 1924

Notes on the Struggle

Baltimore Evening Sun/September 15, 1924

The Side Show

Baltimore Evening Sun/September 22, 1924

Preachers of the Word

Baltimore Evening Sun/September 29, 1924

Editorial (on Journalism)

American Mercury/October, 1924

Clinical Notes

American Mercury/October, 1924

The Library (Reviews)

American Mercury/October, 1924

The Coolidge Buncombe

Baltimore Evening Sun/October 6, 1924

​Mr. Mencken on the Sex Comedy

The Nation/October 12, 1924

Mr. Davis' Campaign

​Baltimore Evening Sun/October 13, 1924

Mark Twain's Autobiography (review)

Baltimore Evening Sun/October 18, 1924


The Library

The American Mercury/February, 1926

On Crime and Punishment
Baltimore Evening Sun/April 5, 1926


Human Race Making Progress,
But at Leisurely Pace
Omaha World Herald/April 17, 1927

The Pedagogue's Utopia Theme of Mencken​
Chicago Tribune/May 1, 1927

The Revival of Philosophy
Chicago Tribune/August 14, 1927

The Radicals and Their Leaders
Sunday Record/October 2, 1927

San Francisco
Chicago Tribune/November 20, 1927



Competition Has Killed Profit in Bootlegging

Springfield Republican/January 1, 1928

The Holy Estate

Chattanooga News/January 7, 1928

Is Thirty the Love Deadline?

Lancaster New Era/February 23, 1928

The Show Begins

Baltimore Evening Sun/June 4, 1928

Bootism in the Republic

The American Mercury/July, 1928

The Library

The American Mercury/July, 1928

The Hoover Manifesto

Springfield News-Leader/August 19, 1928

Mencken Says Smith's Nashville Speech Was Better Than It Appears

​Baltimore Evening Sun/October 13, 1928

Editorial: Schubert

The American Mercury/November, 1928

The Library

The American Mercury/November, 1928

The American Mercury/December, 1928

Editorial: After Five Years

The American Mercury/December, 1928


​The Library
The American Mercury/January, 1929

The Hooverian Terror
The American Mercury/February, 1929

The Library
The American Mercury/February, 1929

The Ambrose Bierce Mystery
The American Mercury/September, 1929


Address to Ritchie Men

Baltimore Evening Sun/January 12, 1931

Dr. France's Platform

Baltimore Evening Sun/April 27, 1931

There's Dearth of Good Young Authors Now, Mencken Avers

Buffalo News/June 11, 1931

On Religious Liberty

Baltimore Evening Sun/July 6, 1931

The Freedom of the Air

Baltimore Evening Sun/November 23, 1931

The Old Peruna Bottle

Baltimore Evening Sun/November 30, 1931

Sound and Fury

Baltimore Evening Sun/December 14, 1931

The Free State Pays the Price

Baltimore Evening Sun/December 21, 1931

Blind Leaders of the Blind

Baltimore Evening Sun/December 28, 1931

H. L. Mencken (IV.) 1921 - 1931


A Panorama of Idiots
The Smart Set/January, 1921

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/January, 1921

Conversations: III. On Women
The Smart Set/January, 1921

The Smart Set/January, 1921

Peasant and Cockney
Baltimore Evening Sun/January 3, 1921

Mr. Wells' History
Baltimore Evening Sun/January 10, 1921

Liberty Emerges from the Sewers
Baltimore Evening Sun/January 17, 1921

Chapters of Medical History
The Nation/January 19, 1921

List of 100 Recent American Books
Worth Reading
Baltimore Evening Sun/January 22, 1921

The Millennium
Baltimore Evening Sun/January 24, 1921

The Asses' Carnival
Baltimore Evening Sun/January 31, 1921

Things I Remember
The Smart Set/February, 1921

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/February, 1921

Conversations: IV. On Politics
The Smart  Set/February, 1921

The Anatomy of Ochlocracy
The Smart Set/February, 1921

Zechariah Chaffee, Jr.
Baltimore Evening Sun/February 7, 1921

Zell, A New Novel That is
Original and Meritorious
Baltimore Evening Sun/February 12, 1921

James Huneker
Baltimore Evening Sun/February 14, 1921

Ad Imginem Dei Creavit Illum...
The Smart Set/March, 1921

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/March, 1921

The Cat and His Shadow
The Smart Set/March, 1921

A Soul's Adventures
The Smart Set/March, 1921

Harding Faces Task With Air of Confidence
Baltimore Evening Sun/March 4, 1921

Baltimore Evening Sun/March 7, 1921

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/April, 1921

The Smart Set/April, 1921

Conversations: V. Literature
The Smart Set/April, 1921

Notes on Poetry
The Smart Set/April, 1921

A Short View of Gamalielese
The Nation/April 27, 1921

Dianthus Caryophyllus
The Smart Set/May, 1921

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/May, 1921

Conversations: VI. On Dress
The Smart Set/May, 1921

The Land of the Free
The Smart Set/May, 1921

A Panorama of Holy Clerks
The Smart Set/June, 1921

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/June, 1921

Conversations: VII. On Editing a Magazine
The Smart Set/June, 1921

Books About Books
The Smart Set/June, 1921

The American Language
The Bookman/June, 1921

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/July, 1921

Conversations: VIII. On Marriage
The Smart Set/July, 1921

Literary Notes
The Smart Set/July, 1921

Brief Battle Was
Hopeless for Carpentier From the First
Baltimore Evening Sun/July 2, 1921

How Legends Are Made
Baltimore Evening Sun/July 5, 1921

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/August, 1921

The South Begins to Matter
The Smart Set/August, 1921

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/September, 1921

From the Diary of a Reviewer
The Smart Set/September, 1921

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/October, 1921

Notes on Books
The Smart Set/October, 1921

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/November, 1921

Iron Infallibility
The Smart Set/November, 1921

More Notes on Books
The Smart Set/November, 1921

Essay in American
Baltimore Evening Sun/November 7, 1921

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/December, 1921

Variations Upon a Familiar Theme
The Smart Set/December, 1921


Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/January, 1922

Book Article No. 158
The Smart Set/January, 1922

A Boon to Bores
Baltimore Evening Sun/January 9, 1922

From the Diary of a Diner-Out
The Smart Set/February, 1922

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/February, 1922

Frank Harris and Others
The Smart Set/February, 1922

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/March, 1922

Taking Stock
The Smart Set/March, 1922

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/April, 1922

The Niagara of Novels
The Smart Set/April, 1922

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/May, 1922

Reflections on Prose Fiction
The Smart Set/May, 1922

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/June, 1922

Demagoguery as Art and Science
The Smart Set/June, 1922

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/July, 1922

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/August, 1922

The Intellectual Squirrel-Cage
The Smart Set/August, 1922

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/September, 1922

The Coroner's Inquest
The Smart Set/September, 1922

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/October, 1922

Portrait of the American Citizen
The Smart Set/October, 1922

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/November, 1922

Chiefly Pathological
The Smart Set/November, 1922

Répétition Générale
The Smart Set/December, 1922

The Monthly Feuilleton
The Smart Set/December, 1922