The Portrait
The Facts in the Case of George Fisher, Deceased
Concerning a Rumor
A Sad, Sad Business
The Galaxy/January, 1871
Goldsmith's Friend Abroad Again
The Galaxy/January, 1871
Mean People
The Galaxy/January, 1871
The Coming Man
The Galaxy/February, 1871
A Book Review
The Galaxy/February, 1871
The Danger of Lying in Bed
The Galaxy/February, 1871
One of Mankind's Bores
The Galaxy/February, 1871
A Falsehood
The Indignity Put Upon the Remains of George Holland by the Rev. Mr. Sabine
The Galaxy/February, 1871
The Tone-Imparting Committee
The Galaxy/February, 1871
My First Literary Venture
The Galaxy/April, 1871
About a Remarkable Stranger
The Galaxy/April, 1871
About Barbers
The Galaxy/August, 1871
Appeal for Capt. Ned Wakeman
Daily Alta California/December 14, 1872
Mark Twain Articles 3. 1871 - 1878
M a r k T w a i n III. 1871 - 1890
A Majestic Literary Fossil
Harper's Monthly/February, 1890
Reply to a Request for His Autograph
Critic/February 8, 1890
English Virtues
Timaru Herald (Auckland)/July 21, 1873
Old Times on the Mississippi (I.)
The Atlantic/January, 1875
Old Times on the Mississippi (II.)
A "Cub" Pilot's Experience;
or, Learning the River
The Atlantic/February, 1875
Old Times on the Mississippi (III.)
The Continued Perplexities of "Cub" Piloting
Old Times on the Mississippi (IV.)
The "Cub" Pilot's Education Nearly Completed
Old Times on the Mississippi (V.)
Soundings. Faculties Peculiarly
Necessary to a Pilot
Some Rambling Notes of an Idle Excursion
Atlantic Monthly/October, 1877
About Magnanimous Incident Literature
The Atlantic/May, 1878
Some Rambling Notes of an Idle Excursion
The Atlantic/January, 1878
A Presidential Candidate