Walt Bowie: A Story of the Secret Service

McClure's Magazine/December, 1898


A Voyage on the Bottom of the Sea​

McClure's Magazine/January, 1899

Liquid Air

McClure's Magazine/March, 1899

The Origin of the Sun and Planets

McClure's Magazine/May, 1899

The Automobile in Common Use

McClure's Magazine/July, 1899

Capturing a Confederate Mail

McClure's Magazine/August, 1899

Admiral Sampson: A Character Sketch

​McClure's Magazine/September, 1899


Youth's Companion/September, 1899

The Racing Yacht: Its Points and Its Paces

McClure's Magazine/October, 1899

The Modern Skyscraper

Munsey's Magazine/October, 1899

The Opposition of Aunt Quigley

The Quaker/November, 1899

The Adventures of Tillerman McDermott

​McClure's Magazine/December, 1899


Getting Captain Cameron

McClure's Magazine/January, 1900

General Leonard Wood: A Character Sketch

McClure's Magazine/February, 1900

Cushing Brothers

Youth's Companion/May, 1900

The New Prosperity

McClure's Magazine/May, 1900

The Sea Builders

McClure's Magazine/July, 1900

Building a German Ocean-Greyhound

​McClure's Magazine/September, 1900

Casting a Great Lens

McClure's Magazine/October, 1900

Making a German Soldier

McClure's Magazine/November, 1900

The Bottom of the Sea

McClure's Magazine/December, 1900


The Kaiser as Seen in Germany

McClure's Magazine/January, 1901

The Promotion of Patrolman Wagner

​Youth's Companion/January 3, 1901

America's Commercial

Invasion of the World

Harper's Weekly/February 16, 1901

How the Beet Sugar Industry is Growing

Review of Reviews/March, 1901

Stories From the Archives of the Royal Humane Society

McClure's Magazine/September, 1901

J. Pierpont Morgan

McClure's Magazine/October, 1901

What the US Steel Corporation 

Really Is, And How it Works

McClure's Magazine/November, 1901

The German Workingman

The Outlook/November 9, 1901

The Great Northern Pacific Deal

Collier's Weekly/November 30, 1901

Where Standards of Measurement are Set

​Current Literature/December, 1901

R a y   S t a n n a r d   B a k e r   (1870 - 1946)

​​​Bierce / Bly /

 Crane / Davis /

 Hemingway / London /

 Mencken / Roosevelt /

Stanley / Steffens /

 Tarbell / Twain



Coxey and His Commonweal​
The Tourney/May, 1894

A Ghastly Incident of the Chicago Strike
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly/August 2, 1894


Police Reform in Chicago
Outlook/January 5, 1895

The Civic Federation of Chicago
Outlook/July 27, 1895

Clergymen as Garbage collectors
Outlook/August 17, 1895

A New Church Militant
Outlook/November 9, 1895

Bible Reading
Outlook/December 7, 1895


Systematic Charity in Chicago

Independent/September 3, 1896

The Lewis Institute in Chicago
Outlook/September 26, 1896

Marty's Pumpkin
Harper's Round Table/November 24, 1896


Chicago's Lake Front Parks
Harper's Weekly/April 3, 1897

The Capture, Death and Burial of 
J. Wilkes Booth

McClure's Magazine/May, 1897

The Debs Cooperative Commonwealth
Outlook/July 3, 1897

Railway Blacklisting
Outlook/December 11, 1897

[No Title]
Outlook/December 11, 1897


The Chicago Civil Service System
Outlook/February 5, 1898

An Adventure of Truck Six
McClure's Magazine/March, 1898

Hull House and the Ward Boss
Outlook/March 26, 1898

The Incendiary
Youth's Companion/April 28, 1898

The Major's Boy
Youth's Companion/May 26, 1898

How the News of the War is Reported
McClure's Magazine/September, 1898

A Story of the Fire Patrol
McClure's Magazine/November, 1898

Theodore Roosevelt at Home
​Review of Reviews/November, 1898

Theodore Roosevelt, A Character Sketch
McClure's Magazine/November, 1898



Marconi's Achievement

McClure's Magazine//February, 1902

Robert E. Peary and His 
Campaign for the Pole
McClure's Magazine/February, 1902

The Commerce of the Great Lakes

The Outlook / May 3, 1902

The Great Southwest
Century Magazine/May, 1902

The Great Southwest: The Desert

Century Magazine/June, 1902

​The Great Southwest: Irrigation
Century Magazine/July, 1902

How Labor is Organized

World's Work/August, 1902

Seen in Turkey

Outlook/October, 1902

Edison's Latest Model

Windsor Magazine/November, 1902


Peter Cooper Hewitt: Inventor

Mcclure's Magazine/January, 1903

The Right to Work: 
The Story of the Non-Striking Miners

McClure's Magazine/January, 1903

The Great Northwest

Century / March, 1903

The Great Northwest

Century/April, 1903

The Conquest of the Forest

Century / May, 1903

The Great Northwest

Century/June, 1903

John Muir

Outlook/June 6, 1903

The Great Northwest

Century/August, 1903

The Day of the Run

Century/September, 1903

Capital and Labor Hunt Together

McClure's Magazine/September, 1903

Sultan of Turkey

Outlook/September 6, 1903

Scientist and the Food Problem

Harper's/November, 1903

The Trust's New Tool--The Labor Boss

Mcclure's Magazine/November, 1903

The Lone Fighter

McClure's Magazine/December, 1903


​​A Corner in Labor

McClure's Magazine / February, 1904

The Reign of Lawlessness:

Anarchy and Despotism in Colorado

McClure's Magazine/May, 1904

The Vitality of Mormonism

Century Magazine/June, 1904

Organized Capital

Challenges Organized Labor

McClure's Magazine/July, 1904

Joel Chandler Harris

Outlook/November 5, 1904

​On the Making of McClure's Magazine

McClure's Magazine/November, 1904

Parker and Roosevelt on Labor:

Real Views of the Two Candidates on the Most Vital National Problem

McClure's Magazine/November, 1904

The Luck of a March Friday

Marconigram/November, 1904

The Rise of the Tailors

​McClure's Magazine/December, 1904


What is a Lynching?
I--Lynching in the South

McClure's Magazine/January, 1905

What is a Lynching?

II--Lynching in the North

McClure's Magazine/February, 1905


Railroads on Trial

McClure's/March, 1906

New Music for an Old World

McClure's Magazine/July, 1906

The Atlanta Riot
​American Magazine/April, 1907

​Destiny and the Western Railroad

Century Magazine/April, 1908

Negro Suffrage in a Democracy
Atlantic Monthly/November, 1910

On the Political Firing Line: An Account of the New Program and Leadership of the Progressives of the West
American Magazine/November, 1910

Interesting People: Henry Wallace
American Magazine/December, 1910