Knight Admits Error on Lovestone's Birth
The Tennessean/January 2, 1956
NBC Commended for Producing
Broadcast on Red Russia
Columbus Ledger/January 4, 1956
Controversy is Not Dead But It Has Been Strangled into Unconsciousness
Park City Daily News/January 4, 1956
ILO Director Endorsed Man
Who Absconded to Czechoslovakia
Wilkes-Barre Times Leader/January 4, 1956
World War II Heroes Have Few Shrines Yet Erected to Their Memories
Columbus Ledger/January 20, 1956
Tex Rickard Phones in For Help and N.Y. Paper Whoops Fight Up
Columbus Ledger/January 23, 1956
How He Came to Pinch the Most Beautiful Legs in the World
Columbus Ledger/January 24, 1956
Sees Press of World Shirking
When it Comes to Principles
Columbus Ledger/January 25. 1956
Saintly, Generous Ward Green Had Handy Pair of Fists, Too
Columbus Ledger/January 26, 1956
Catholics and Union Men
Sandburg Hits Wealth Midst Waldorf Splendor
Indianapolis Star/May 14, 1956
Pulitzer Award for Iron Curtain Story
Indianapolis Star/May 15, 1956
Black Sox Series, 36 Years Later
Logansport Press/September 16, 1956
The Mysteries of Arthur Goldsmith
Logansport Press/September 18, 1956
The Wisdom of Gene Fowler
Logansport Press/September 19, 1956
Open-Shop Laws: Calculated Confusion
Logansport Press/September 20, 1956
Fair Enough
Reading Eagle/October 31, 1956
All About Adlai
Reading Eagle/November 1, 1956
Secret Session Arouses Suspicion
Rome News-Tribune/April 10, 1957
Secret Session Roster Revealed
The Spokesman-Review/April 15, 1957
Tax Rules Unfair on Charities
The Spokesman-Review/April 20, 1957
The Illuminati at St. Simon's
The Spokesman-Review/April 23, 1957
Castro Killer
St. Louis Globe-Democrat/July 12, 1960
Bitter Commentary
St. Louis Globe-Democrat/July 13, 1960
Government is Enemy of People
El Paso Herald-Post/October 3, 1960
Why Does Nixon Pull His Punch?
El Paso Herald-Post/October 7, 1960
Fascism Continues Under JFK
Riders’ Smear Attempt
Jackson Daily News/June 16, 1961
The Kennedy-Pegler Debate
Journalism and Whittaker Chambers
Hitler Tried to Keep Us Out of War
El Paso Herald-Post/March 23, 1962
Garner Personifies Patriotism
El Paso Herald-Post/June 13, 1962
Pair Build Fabulous Motel
El Paso Herald-Post/August 1, 1962
The Westbrook Pegler Collection
Noted Writer Introduces Himself
Quad City Times/December 11, 1933
"Another cub in the same pressroom was Webb Miller, who has now been one of the great European correspondents for the last 15 years, Once, when I was working in London, he came over to work in the same shop and we held a reunion in the course of which he admitted that he and another fellow once had committed a holdup in Chicago. He and this friend had been buying beer all night and a stranger had joined them. But the stranger, though he drank his beers, did not buy any. At closing time, the stranger pulled out a wad of money and bought himself one cigar. This annoyed Webb Miller and his friend, so they followed him down Washington Street, shoved him into a doorway and were about to take his money when he pleaded with them not to rob him of the leg of lamb and bag of eggplant which he had been ordered to bring home for Sunday dinner. So Mr. Miller and his partner in crime disregarded his roll of money but took his leg of lamb and his eggplant."
Convict Lied Way to Trenches and Died
Capitol Journal/September 23, 1916
Welsh's Home Region Breeds Scrappers
Santa Cruz Evening News/October 11, 1916
First of Pegler's "Reporter in London" Series
First American Army in England
Plan of Bullock
Muscatine News-Tribune/May 31, 1917
America's Fighting Army in Need of
Men and Supplies
Salina Daily Union/August 31, 1917
American Troops in France
Have Opportunities to Save
Daily Star-Mirror/September 5, 1917
Every Sammy Ready to Battle
Germans with France Today
Arkansas City Daily News/September 7, 1917
There's No Doubt About the
Vote of the Canucks
Calgary Herald/December 14, 1917
Fallen Airplanes are Studied by
Aviation Students in France
Fort Worth Star-Telegram/December 16, 1917
Songs of the Sammies
Albany Democrat/December 28, 1917
Wilson Raises Ante From $11 to $40,000 for Second Appearance in New York Arena
Pittsburgh Post/March 14, 1921
Chorus Beauties in Ranks of Toil
Atlanta Constitution/June 19, 1921
Need More Room for World Title Games
The Post-Crescent/September 30, 1921
Jackson-Dundee Box Another Draw;
Norfolk is Winner
Oregon Daily Journal/December 31, 1921
The Death of Frankie Jerome
Atlanta Constitution/January 18, 1924
Ban Johnson Faces Three Way Fire as Baseball Meetings Open
Muskogee Daily Phoenix/December 9, 1924
Tunney Kayoes Gibbons in Twelfth Round
Bakersfield Californian/June 6, 1925
Phil Goldstein is Real Student
Bakersfield Californian/June 6, 1925
Pugilism Falls Upon Evil Days,
According to Brand New Critic
Salt Lake Tribune/November 5, 1925
Steam Rollers Crush Grange
New York Daily News/December 10, 1925
Rockne Leaves, Roasting Columbia
New York Daily News/December 14, 1925
Civilization a Bullet-Barbed Joke,
Siki Found; Burial Today
New York Daily News/December 18, 1925
If This Bidding Continues
Omaha World-Herald/January 3, 1926
Better Ball for Game in 1926
Fort Worth Star-Telegram/January 4, 1926
Old Timers on Brooklyn Club
Chicago Tribune/March 11, 1926
Harry Persson, Monte Munn
Take Lickings in NY Ring
Chicago Tribune/December 23, 1926
Pegler Sees Yankees Toil
Chicago Tribune/March 16, 1927
Dempsey Ready to Resume
Business as Ring Champion
Chicago Tribune/December 31, 1928
Bill Tilden and the Tennis Dub
Chattanooga News/January 5, 1929
Fumble, Nightmare of Grid Coaches,
Has Fangs Drawn
Fort Worth Record-Telegram/February 19, 1929
Pegler Tells Why Gamblers
Wear Those Gloomy Looks
Chicago Tribune/August 8, 1929
Beat the Races?
Impossible, Says Colonel Bradly
Chicago Tribune/August 9, 1929
Band Goes to Camp Too(t)
Fort Worth Record-Telegram/Sept. 10, 1929
Memories of Black Sox Still Haunt Him,
But Gleason Carries On
Chicago Tribune/October 3, 1929
The Called Shot Heard 'Round the World
Chicago Tribune/October 2, 1932
List of Rainy-Day Topics Pegler’s First Concern As He Tackles New Writing Job
Quad City Times/December 11, 1933
Noted Writer Introduces Himself
Quad City Times/December 11, 1933
Repeal Robs Pegler of Target for Hate;
Casts About for Substitute
Quad City Times/December 13, 1933
Pegler Sees Merit in Lynch Law Because Pardon is Impossible
Davenport Democrat/Deceember 14, 1933
Italian Editors Skeptical,
Says Westbrook Pegler
Daily Pantagraph/December 19, 1933
Lindbergh and the Press
Decatur Daily Review/December 22, 1933
Decatur Daily Review/December 29, 1933
Are Wrestlers People?
The Life of Reilly
Pegler Dissects the Annual Gridiron Club Banquet and Finds It Rather Somber
Green Press Press Gazette/March 5, 1935
Chicago Horse Parlors, An Underworld Racket, May Be Legalized by State With O.K. of Prof
Tribute to Dr. Townsend
College Courses in Gambling Not a Bad Idea
Evansville Press/July 10, 1935
Cheer for Jimmy Walker
Evansville Press/July 11, 1935
Benito mussolini Stealing Pete Reilly's Stuff
Evansville Press/July 12, 1935
What Makes an Athlete?
Evansville Press/July 14, 1935
The Conquest of Mount Epsom
Hearst Syndicate/February, 1936
The Irritations of Wealth
Richmond Times-Dispatch/January 5, 1937
Fair Enough
Philadelphia Inquirer/March 5, 1937
This is Just a Day-Dream About Money-Raising Possibilities of a Government Number Racket
Evening Independent/October 1, 1937
Big Business Should Put Fascism Beside
Communism in List of Things it Opposes
Evening Independent/October 2, 1937
It is Fortunate That There is Some Comedy Relief in This Angry Episode About Justice Black
Evening Independent/October 4, 1937
Tom Pendergast Gives Good, Rotten Government
El Paso Herald/February 21, 1938
Mass Perversion in the Roosevelt-Truman State
Montana Standard/April 16, 1950
Ice-Pick Unionism
Spartanburg Herald/May 1, 1940
Meditations on the War
Spartanburg Herald/May 2, 1940
The Klan and Company Unions
Spartanburg Herald/May 3, 1940
The Tulip Problem
Spartanburg Herald/May 7, 1940
The AFL's Anti-Crime Sham
Spartanburg Herald-Journal/May 12, 1940
The Fine Union Craft of the Stink-Bomb
Spartanburg Herald-Journal/May 15, 1940
Union Dues Finance a Fine Lifestyle
Spartanburg Herald-Journal/May 18, 1940
The Rules of Civilized Warfare
Spartanburg Herald-Journal/May 19, 1940
War, Freedom, and Fascists
Spartanburg Herald-Journal/May 21, 1940
Wilson's Armed Isolation
Spartanburg Herald-Journal/May 22, 1940
Unprepared for War
Spartanburg Herald-Journal/May 23, 1940
Union Boss Coerces Roosevelt Vote
Spartanburg Herald-Journal/October 29, 1940
Nepotism and the New Deal
Spartanburg Herald-Journal/October 30, 1940
The Union Racket
Spartanburg Herald-Journal/October 31, 1940
[No Title]
Spartanburg Herald-Journal/November 1, 1940
Mr. Roosevelt's Aims
Spartanburg Herald-Journal/November 2, 1940
The Brutal Spirit of Power
Spartanburg Herald-Journal/November 3, 1940
Stooges and Fellow Travelers
Spartanburg Herald-Journal/November 6, 1940
In Debt to Uncle Sam
Spartanburg Herald-Journal/November 8, 1940
Political Abuse of Unions
Spartanburg Herald-Journal/November 9, 1940
Fitzgerald's Flappers and Failures
Los Angeles Times/December 27, 1940
The Dangers of Irony
Los Angeles Times/March 7, 1941
Fort Bragg Free of Union Shakedowns
Los Angeles Times/March 14, 1941
40-Hour Week Row Only a Sideshow
To Cover Up for Unions
Knoxville News-Sentinel/April 1, 1942
Supreme Court Mocks Arnold and People in Teamster Case Ruling
Knoxville News-Sentinel/April 2, 1942
Conscription of All Would Throw
Nation Into Hands of Unions
Knoxville News-Sentinel/April 3, 1942
Criticism of Unions Does Not
Put Writer with Roosevelt-Haters
Knoxville News-Sentinel/April 15, 1942
Unions Blame Bosses for Malnutrition
But Fees Are No Help
Knoxville News-Sentinel/April 16, 1942
Unions More Guilty of Libel
Than Those Who Criticize Them
Knoxville News-Sentinel/April 22, 1942
Dream of Post-War Brotherhood is
Just a Political Fancy
Knoxville News-Sentinel/May 2, 1942
White Press Overly Friendly to the Negro
Santa Cruz Sentinel/June 18, 1942
The Communist Betrayal of France
North Adams Transcript/December 13, 1944
Mr. Spelvin Can Hate Anybody He Likes
North Adams Transcript/December 14, 1944
Guardhouse or Scuttlebutt Lawyers
North Adams Transcript/December 15, 1944
The Problem with Boycotts
North Adams Transcript/December 19, 1944
Historic News Story, British Style
Press and Sun-Bulletin/March 7, 1945
U.S. 'Crush' on France Shaken
Press and Sun-Bulletin/March 8, 1945
Placing U.S. Amry in False Light
Press and Sun-Bulletin/March 9, 1945
George Spelvin Writes the General
Press and Sun-Bulletin/March 12, 1945
Lewis' Royalty Idea is Not Original
Press and Sun-Bulletin/March 14, 1945
As Pegler Sees It. Communists Go `Big Business’ to Trick U.S.
Chicago Herald-American/March 15, 1945
Washington vs. Moscow as Capital
Post and Sun-Bulletin/March 16, 1945
NY Sneers at Senator Bilbo
Invite Carpetbagger Comparisons
Dixon Telegraph/September 10, 1945
Author of "The Plotters"
Displayed Excessive Timidity
Shreveport Times/November 15, 1946
Labor Court System Gains Favor
Press and Sun-Bulletin/December 3, 1946
Purported Review of Communism
Press and Sun-Bulletin/December 4, 1946
Rising Star of Teamsters' Leader
Press and Sun-Bulletin/December 10, 1946
Union Bosses are Old, Old, Old
Press and Sun-Bulletin/December 11, 1946
Durocher Again Guest of Raft
Press and Sun-Bulletin/December 12, 1946
Golden Chance for Sports World
Press and Sun-Builletin/December 13, 1946
Exposers as Bad as the Exposed
Press and Sun-Bulletin/December 16, 1946
League's 'Secret Police' Activities
Press and Sun-Bulletin/December 17, 1946
'Urgent' Vacation Taken by Buzzi
Press and Sun-Bulletin/December 18, 1946
Newspapers Should Attack Gaming
Press and Sun-Bulletin/December 19, 1946
He Ran Strategy and Pulled Strings;
Is That Proper for a Justice?
Shreveport Times/August 2, 1948
Roosevelt Invoked Very Principles
Which Parties are Now Fighting
Shreveport Times/August 3, 1948
Pegler Gets Copies of Two Other “Examples Of Wallace’s Absurdity”
Roanoke Raids Daily Herald/Sept. 21, 1948
Pegler Says GURU Letters Place Roosevelt In Bad Light for Having Henry Wallace as Vice President
Roanoke Rapids Daily Herald/Sept. 27, 1948
Pegler Endorses Governor Dewey’s Methods of Handling Domestic Communists, But Says It’s Very Old
Roanoke Rapids Daily Herald/Sept. 29, 1948
Pegler Calls Action of New York Officials in Union Strife Sign of European Political Subtlety
Roanoke Rapids Daily Herald/Sept. 30, 1948
Calls Wallace Campaign Very Frightening
Roanoke Rapids Daily Herald/October 1, 1948
Modern Empire Business
Tampa Tribune/February 2, 1949
More on the Fox Empire
Tampa Tribune/February 3, 1949
The Rise of Matty Fox
Tampa Tribune/February 4, 1949
Changes Within the Unions
Tampa Tribune/February 5, 1949
A Suggestion for Dewey
Tampa Tribune/February 21, 1949
Tampa Tribune/February 23, 1949
Worst Lynching Force
Tampa Tribune/February 24, 1949
Americans Ask for Fascism
Tampa Tribune/February 25, 1949
Calls Dewey a New Dealer
Tampa Tribune/February 26, 1949
Three New Deal Lawyers
Tampa Tribune/February 28, 1949
Says Pegler Violated Copyright
Truman an Old Hand at Insults
The Dothan Eagle/December 18, 1950
Wisdom of a Proposal
The Dothan Eagle/December 19, 1950
An Appreciation of Chandler
The Dothan Eagle/December 20, 1950
For Jim McGuinness' Back - A Knife
The Dothan Eagle/December 21, 1950
Nevada Labor Answers Peg
Wisconsin State Journal/June 19, 1951
Story of a Cup-Rattler
Wisconsin State Journal/June 20, 1951
Remembering Hearst
Monroe (LA) News Star/August 17, 1951
Sen. McCarran and Rep. Walter Punished For Putting American Interests First
Lebanon (PA) Times/January 23, 1953
Journalism in Haiti
Rome News-Tribune/February 4, 1954
Rayburn Helped Sabotage Expose of Communists
Rome News-Tribune/February 12, 1954
The Details of Guilt Surround the Democrats
Rome News-Tribune/February 15, 1954
Earl Warren's Pension Should Be Investigated
Rome News-Tribune/February 16, 1954
Pre-Trial Examination is Form of "Smearing"
Rome News-Tribune/February 17, 1954
Adventures in Smoking in the Good Old Days
Rome News-Tribune/February 18, 1954
Present-Type Unionism Would Seem Doomed
Rome News-Tribune/March 1, 1954
Newspapers Are at Fault in Evaluating Warren
Rome News-Tribune/March 2, 1954
The Ethical Standards of McCarthy Opponents
Rome News-Tribune/March 3, 1954
Opening Move is Made in Smear-Pegler Movement
Rome News-Tribune/March 4, 1954
Stevens Will Learn the Army's a Mess
Rome News-Tribune/March 5, 1954
Which Captain Delano Was Hanged for Piracy?
Rome News-Tribune/April 9, 1954
Red College Alumnus, Elected Arkansas Governor, Called "Violent Radical"
Shreveport Times/January 4, 1955
Little Worry Over Leftwing Education of Arkansas Governor
Shreveport Times/January 5, 1955
$50,000 Arkansas Gift to Truman in '48
Shreveport Times/January 6, 1955
Back When a Noted Gambler
Led a Police Parade
Shreveport Times/January 8, 1955
Rep. Reece Ties Into New York Times
Shreveport Times/January 10, 1955
Pegler Tells of Those
Who Would Quarantine Pegler
Shreveport Times/January 12, 1955
McCarthyism Needed
Post-Standard (Syracuse)/November 15, 1955
There Was No Reason to Believe
Russia Would Give Up Anything
Lexington Herald-Leader/December 1, 1955